In his early work, Lee Sang-bong felt the limits of human interaction with the computer limited to the inside of the screen and tried to expand the scope to the space outside the screen. Afterward, he became attracted to the work of bringing out the results of information processing inside a computer into three-dimensional space and studied hardware as a means to realize it. As part of that, he planned an intermediate-state product that combines digital art and commercial products, and in that attempt, he participated in the Maker movement. Sangbong Lee is currently interested in what human-made objects do to us when they transcend our sensory organs. He is working on the sense of fear or eeriness caused by man-made entities around us whose physical reality is concealed. .
Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Master in Digital Media, 2020 - Current, Bremen, Germany
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Bachelor of Design, 2006 - 2014, Seoul, South Korea
Studies of change (Group), 30. May - 02. June, Alte Pathologie, Bremen, Title: Hidden dependency
Fictions, Speculations & Imaginaries (Group), 18. April - 20. April, Halle 1, Speicher XI A, Bremen, Title: LIMBO Tracker
Water paths (Group), 24. May, Dauerwelle, Bremen, Title: Liquid Prism
Water Light Festival(Lab) (Group), 3. May - 21. May, Neustift, Brixen, Title: Cartesian pineal gland
Gedankenexperimente (Group), 20. Oct - 22. Oct, HFK, Bremen, Title: The Altar for hyperobjects
Hochschultage (Group), 1. July - 3. July, HFK, Bremen, Title: Cartesian pineal gland
DIS/PLAY 22: Eight perms for a digital age (Group), 21. May - 26. May, Dauerwelle, Bremen, Title: Cartesian pineal gland
Projects / Works & Others
Reworld project, Studio Kimchi and Chips, Electronics engineer, 15. June. 2023 - 12. Sep. 2023, Seoul
Developing PCB and Power delivering for the installation
Juicy Workshop at HFK, 26. Feb. 2022, HFK, Bremen
Introduction of Arduino and Pulse width modulation control for RGB LEDs
Hohner MUHA project, Research and Design project with Hohner and HFK, Nov. 2021 - Apr. 2022, Bremen
Development of concepts for new harmonicas for Hohner musical instruments / Research Assistant
DAAD Study Scholarship program, Oct. 2020 - Sep. 2022, Bremen
Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Film, Design/Visual Communication and Film, 2021/22
Maker movement sponsoring program, Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity, Oct. 2018 - Mar. 2019, Seoul
LED Lighting device: Different types of lighting devices with the implementation of GPU simulation
Maker movement fostering program, Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity, Oct.2017 - Mar. 2018, Seoul
LED Cube application: Interactive LED cube with GPU simulation